Friday, March 7, 2025

Hilarious “Vape Tongue” Articles! – Ecigclick


You may have seen this week some hilarious articles about the danger of “Vape Tongue”.

Oh yes all the main UK newspapers picked up on it!

However according to the CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association) website – the reason behind this outpouring of utter crap is down to the Daily Mail getting mixed up – surely not.

In their rush to come up with scaremongering articles about how horrific vaping is, a video on TikTok from a Cosmetic Dentist – Dr Stewart Beggs from Chelsea Dental Clinic talking about “Vapers Tongue” was taken to mean some kind of dangerous disease.

E-cigarettes are causing new health condition dubbed ‘vape tongue’ that cause users lose their taste and be constantly thirsty, doctors warn

— Daily Mail U.K. (@DailyMailUK) July 25, 2023

Even in the video the Doctor says it is only temporary, but sadly he also says that vaping is “Really really not good for your health”!

Here is the video below…


5 high street products I tell my patients to AVOID… from a Dentist #avoidthese #dontusethese #dentist #dentaltips #dentistadvice #teethtok #oralcare #drstewart

♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys – Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey

I will share with you firstly the lies being peddled and then further in this article the actual facts!

We have written about Vapers Tongue (which is what they are blowing out of proportion) in the past as one of the minor side effects of vaping.

It would be hilarious if everyone reading this Bull, actually knew the truth. But sadly a lot of people believe this. So many people have re-tweeted the articles with their concerns.

What is ironic is how much more damage is done to your mouth from Smoking – but hey lets ignore that!

The Anti-Vaping brigade are just turning into an episode of Black Mirror now!

Anyway here are some of the articles to give you a giggle about how much this minor annoyance has been turned into something horrendous.

“Vape Tongue” – The Lies…
Daily Mail

Here we go with the source of this silliness – the Daily Mail. Their headline being “E-cigarettes are causing new health condition dubbed ‘vape tongue’ that causes users to lose their taste and be constantly thirsty, doctors warn

They love to get a dig in about vaping…

“Vape tongue comes with several unpleasant side effects, Dr Beggs said, including dry mouth, dehydration, and even a complete loss of taste.

‘It’s really, really really not good for your health,’ he said. “

The Sun

Of course The Sun would join in – “VAPE NO WAY – E-cigarettes spark new health fears over ‘vape tongue’ phenomenon – are you at risk?

Oh no according to The Sun…

“VAPING can destroy your sense of taste because of how it affects your tongue, a dentist warns.

The growing number of people using e-cigarettes is causing more people to be struck down by a phenomenon branded “vape tongue”.

“Struck Down” with vape tongue – anyone else been bedridden with it? Nah – I thought not.

Daily Mirror

The Mirror leads with “Vape tongue symptoms to look out for as e-cigarettes spark fear for new health condition“.

They include a quote from Dr Beggs from his TikTok video…

“Do you vape? You might have vaper’s tongue.” He explained: “Vape tongue is when you start to lose your taste because you’ve been vaping so much, and this is really on the rise because of the popularity of these disposable vapes which have all these ridiculous flavours.”

Also according to Fisher Pointe Dental, Michigan, USA (who have their own page slagging off vaping here)…

“Vaping can also cause a stuffy nose and negatively impact your ability to smell, and being able to smell goes hand in hand with your ability to taste.”

Hmm why not quote health authorities in the UK? Did their position on vaping not fit your narrative The Sun?

Wales Online

Wales Online led with – “Vape Tongue: The main symptom as new side-effect of vaping is reported“.

Ooh there are some crackers in here, such as the subtitle “A dentist has warned about one potential consequence of vaping”.

I quote…

“Dr Beggs explained in his video that vape tongue was when someone who had vaped too much started to lose their taste. The dentist explained the symptom was on the rise because of how popular the vapes had become with many “ridiculous flavours.”

“People end up absolutely caning these vapes and it causes such a massive increase in nicotine and a really, really dry mouth that you lose your sense of taste completely sometimes,” he explained.”

“First thing, stop vaping, or really cut down your vaping because that’s really gonna help. Second thing, it can be linked to dehydration, so start to drink more water. Make sure you’re fully hydrated. Clean your tongue, brush your teeth, floss, use a tongue scraper, see if that helps as well. If this helps, cut down how much you’re vaping because you don’t want to get vaper’s tongue back because you want to taste your food!”

Vapers Tongue – The Truth

If you were a smoker you will actually find your sense of taste and smell improve dramatically when you switch to vaping. Smoking can taint your tastebuds and dull many flavours.

What really happens during a short temporary bout of Vapers Tongue is that you may suddenly not be able to taste your usual e-liquid flavour as well as you normally do.

Sometimes it is simply due to a Cold, Flu or another virus that meddles with your sense of smell and taste.

But it can happen without any reason and it seems to be that your tongue is just too used to the flavour.

The simple solution is to just change your e-liquid. Flavours including Menthol are great for getting the tastebuds to wake back up again.

Also our Late Great Neil H had some other suggestions in his article…

Suck on strong mints
Nasal inhaler
Drink water
Sniff coffee beans
Tongue scraper or mouth wash

Again I will stress this is only temporary and never impacts your ability to taste your food or drink!

Related Tweets


TikTok Doc misunderstands vaper’s tongue. Dual use double standard. Tales of two vaping study retractions. Lawmakers worry about black market menthol. The problem with Chevron and more!

— CASAA (@CASAAmedia) July 28, 2023

Seriously @claudiajourno? This is not news
A warning about ‘vape tongue’ from a dentist and an anecdote from a user

➡️Where is the scientific evidence?
➡️What about the millions of smokers who quit with #vaping
➡️Where is the balance and perspective?

— Dr Colin Mendelsohn (@ColinMendelsohn) July 27, 2023

Dire recent SUN article from @TheJoe_Davies ‘VAPE NO WAY E-cigarettes spark new health fears over ‘vape tongue’ phenomenon – are you at risk?’ < ignoring + that ”vape tongue” is easily rapidly overcome by a change of flavour.

— Alan Beard (@Alan_Beard1) July 27, 2023

Hey @DailyMailUK. I’m a victim too. E-cigarettes caused fingers to grow out of my neck. Interview me!

I’d be happy to talk, though my “vape tongue” is so swollen in my mouth that it’s difficult to sound out words…

Oops… Ok no. My tongue just fell off. Can’t talk.

— Charles A. Gardner, PhD (@ChaunceyGardner) July 25, 2023

This is just the latest in a long long line of invented fake vaping “harms.” NO ONE who vapes nicotine gets “vape tongue,” whatever the h*ll that is.

— Charles A. Gardner, PhD (@ChaunceyGardner) July 27, 2023

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